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Moving to St. Louis? Here are some Tips that will help!

Moving to St. Louis? Here are some Tips that will help!

Are you moving to St. Louis? Here are moving tips to help make your move go smoothly!

Moving to St. Louis? Here are some Tips that will help!

Moving to St. Louis? Here are some Tips that will help!

Use this checklist to make sure you remember important dates and deadlines.
First of all we’ve taken the worry out of moving by thinking of nearly everything!







  • If you are planning a garage sale hence, set a date.
  • If you have children, arrange to transfer school records in addition to meeting there teachers.
  • Also contact insurance companies to notify them of the move.
  • Furthermore start a “Move File” for all receipts, papers and estimates related to your move.


  • In addition to select a van line or rental truck company.
  • If you are moving to a new city, be sure and ask your attorney, doctor and other providers for referrals and also any necessary records.
  • If you have any pets, schedule a check-up and be sure and get a copy of their records from the veterinarian.
  • Start cleaning out closets since it could take awhile.
  • Call charities to pick up clothes, furniture, etc. that you won’t want to move therefore less items.


  • Schedule disconnect dates with your local utility companies.
  • Schedule connect dates for your new home.
  • If you have a lawnmower or any other power equipment, drain them of oil and gasoline since moving companies will not move them if they are full.
  • Finally Cancel newspaper delivery and trash pickup effective on your move date.


  • First of all clean out the refrigerator and defrost freezer.
  • Have your car serviced if you will be driving a long distance because you don’t want to break down.
  • Transfer or close your checking account.
  • Finally be sure to get all items from your safe deposit box.
  • Most of all put in a change of address at local post office.
  • Most noteworthy to carry any valuables or heirlooms with you because you do not want to leave them behind.
  • Last of all take a final tour of your home, make sure nothing has been left in drawers or closets and that all doors and windows are locked.


  • fire department and police numbers are a must!
  • Check with post office for mail probably the best idea.
  • Due to state regulations register your cars immediately.
  • Register to vote in your new area.
  • Enroll children in school.

Need help finding a home much as selling your home? Call St. Louis Realty today!

St. Louis: 314-ST-LOUIS (785-6847)

St. Charles: 636-397-SOLD (7653)

Moving to St. Louis? Here are some Tips that will help!